Realize the ultimate futility of outsourcing intelligence.
Stand back, and ask the jolly joker question: "what is it?". Well, it is what its name indicates: it is artificial intelligence. You, reading these lines, on the other hand, are RI (Real Intelligence), or sometimes called HI (Human Intelligence). You can read heaps of analyses about both, but instead of making the question even more complicated than it is, let us find the solution in the other direction. Let us use "reductio ad absurdum", as a mathematical tool, to apply for this philosophical question. Let us assume for a moment, that having developed AI is actually beneficial for you, me, anyone: mankind.
Let us see if the inception, the nurturing, the development of AI and the ultimate dependence on it would make our lives better. AI could help us, just like automation helped us, to outsource our brainwork. Just like a chess computer can calculate a better strategy to win a chess game, just like a robotized factory can churn out more/better pieces in a given time-frame, AI is relieving us from the chores, leaving more time for fun. Is that really what we want from life?
Let us assume for the moment, that yes is the answer, we want more fun, less chores. Thus, with the help of AI, we outsource the cumbersome, the boring, the tedious tasks and focus on the tasks that need higher intelligence. But hold on: isn't intelligence exactly the one feature we tried to outsource? How can be more left of it for us? Let us outsource that, too! Back to AI, and let us develop it to a level where it can also make those decisions instead of us. Alas, this line of thinking has no end in sight: where is the line where we say stop, after this step it is us who will make the final decision? This leads to an infinite line leading to zero thinking and decision-making left for us, the biological brain.
In addition to the how question, there are others: who, why, when, where should be allowed to use AI? If it were all peace that is all cool and dandy, but alas, our species is anything BUT peace, it is at constant war with itself. If I am allowed to be helped by AI, is my enemy also allowed to use the same or better AI tools? Who should be allowed to use AI? Oops. Why should I use AI, instead of relying on my own human intelligence? To gain advantage? Okay, then we go into an escalating rabbit-hole that has no end in sight, only mutual destruction and final annihilation of ourselves. The answer to the when question if obviously: the sooner the better. It is a competition for time, if the goal is to compete, to gain an upper hand, to fight our fellow human brothers and sisters. Again, it will lead to a vortex out of which the only exit is Armageddon. Finally, where should it be allowed? It is linked to the who question: who will decide where it should be allowed?
Even if we disregard the military use of AI (which would and will be the primary use of this technology, just like any of the others that came before it), even for our own peaceful use, it is detrimental to our own cerebral health and mental acuity. We are born biologically, we will die biologically (let's hope so, because "eternal life" is a curse in itself), and in between these two end-points, we should maximize the time we spend living biologically. So, every non-biological tool that steals time from your biological existence, is not helping, in fact, rather, leaving you less time to enjoy your biological existence. It is not about the quantity, rather the quality of time you have living.
Looking at the questions in their entirety it should be clear that AI, together with genetic research, chemical and nuclear weapons, and similar tools which only serve to continue animosity, hatred, warmongering in our species homo sapiens sapiens, are the worst uses of our innate, biological, evolved intelligence. If you zoom out enough, you arrive back to the same teaching found in every philosophy and religion: do not think! This AI saga, along with all the other sagas, are part of our inability to understand that by thinking we get nowhere. Thinking is a paradox. You can arrive to the conclusion of the futility of thinking even by simply thinking: realize that the entire world is a paradox, and by thinking we only reveal only local, limited non-paradoxes, while the infinite rest remains paradox. You can also arrive to this conclusion simply by not thinking.
AI is an ultimate thinking tool. Think about it for awhile. Pun intended!